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What Does a Radio Producer Do? Facts You Have to Know

Writen by Edwin Jones

Fact checked by Andrew Wright

what does a radio producer do

What does a radio producer do? In a nutshell, a radio producer is involved in planning, creating, and developing radio programs. Overseeing the technical aspects of production, researching program ideas, writing scripts, and editing recordings can also be part of the job.

The specific roles of a radio show producer can vary. Read on as I share some of the most common duties. I will also talk about their salary, so you can have a good idea if it is a career path worth pursuing.

What Does a Radio Producer Do?


The job description of a radio producer covers many aspects. From conceptualization to distribution, radio producers are involved in every step.

Below is a closer look at some of the responsibilities that are common in radio producers jobs.

1. Before the Show

The job of a radio producer begins even before the show goes on air.

  • One of the most important is to generate and research program ideas.

This means looking at those with the potential to captivate the market’s attention and create a high-rating program.

  • More so, a radio producer will also develop content and write scripts.

Hence, just like it is one of the radio host requirements, a producer should also have good writing skills. Even when there is a radio scriptwriter, producers will often check the script before they are used.

  • Sourcing interviewees and contributors is also a part of the job of the radio producer.

The latter is looking for people who can add entertainment value or make a show more informative.

  • The radio producer also understands media laws and takes care of the legal aspects of radio programs.

It is crucial to prevent any legal predicament, ensuring that the show does not go against any law as it airs.

  • A radio producer might also work as a radio commercial maker.

The job might include making commercials for promoting a radio show, especially if it is new.

  • Additionally, the radio producer is heavily involved in research, including trends and feedback. They are responsible for coming up with user-generated content.

2. During the Show

When it comes to radio shows, most people will think of the presenter or host. Nonetheless, radio or news producers are equally important as they assume crucial roles.

One role of executive producer in radio is to make sure that the show goes smoothly, ensuring it has no glitches. From the technical side, this can also include making sure the equipment is working as it should.

Looking at the quality of the show is also critical. The radio producer ensures the sensitivity of the show, always thinking of the needs of the listeners. A radio producer would know when the wrong music is played or when conversations are irrelevant.

3. After the Show

The job of a radio producer does not end once the show concludes. It is a cycle, so one must start working again.

Once the show finishes, the producer will think about what will happen in the next episode. It could include brainstorming on the topics to discuss. It could also include supervising pre-recorded interviews, ensuring they are good to air.

Do Radio Producers Make Good Money?


Now that we talked about the producer for the radio description, let’s discuss how much does a radio producer make.

No doubt, a lot of people would be concerned about the latter before starting a career in a specific field.

To answer the question, a radio producer makes good money. Nonetheless, it depends on many factors. Education and experience are some of the most important ones.

More importantly, the size and reputation of the station also dictate how much a producer earns. For instance, a BBC radio producer can earn more than someone who works on a smaller and lesser-known station.

So, how much does a radio producer make?

  • According to Glassdoor, the average annual pay for a radio producer is $57,157. Nonetheless, for those who have more than 15 years of experience, the pay can go as high as $92,796 annually.

Becoming a Radio Producer

With everything mentioned above about broadcast producer definition and potential earnings, some of you might now be interested in the job. Nonetheless, it is crucial that you first learn about the requirements.

  • If you want to become a radio producer, you first need to invest in education. While a bachelor’s degree is not necessary, it can increase your employability. Training and seminars can also help to acquire the knowledge and skills the profession requires.
  • Internships and experiences in the entertainment industry will also help in pursuing the career path of a producer. This will not only build up your skills but also your connections, which can help in making your way up.
  • To increase your chances of being accepted for the job, work on your qualifications. Some of the most important skills and qualities of a radio producer include verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, knowledge of current events, self-confidence, teamwork, and curiosity.



What is a Radio Producer?

A radio producer is someone who plans, creates, and develops radio programs. The job roles and responsibilities are broad, which include writing scripts, producing commercials, sourcing contributors, and editing stories.

How do I get into radio production?

Education and training will help but are not necessary for getting radio producer jobs. A degree in media production, broadcasting, and communications can increase your chances of acceptance for the job. After which, you should take apprenticeships and internships to prepare yourself for the real world.


What does a radio producer do? As mentioned above, the work encompasses many things from developing to airing a show. As the producer, you are responsible for making sure that the show goes smoothly and that it gathers a positive reception from your target audience.