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How to Find a Commercial I Heard on the Radio? (3 Steps)

Writen by Edwin Jones

Fact checked by Andrew Wright

how to find a commercial i heard on the radio

There are mornings when you listen to the radio and hear a commercial such as Progressive Radio Ads that make you wonder and want to learn about their offers. Sometimes, it can be a podcast you find interesting or a sponsorship you want to know more about.

In this fast-paced world, radio commercials are still 20% more effective than other media platforms. Once engaged in the company’s message, the next thing to do is look it up. It may require some effort, but here’s a guide on how to find a commercial I heard on the radio.

Basic Radio Commercial Search


Step 1: List as many keywords as you can


Some of the most common types of radio advertising such as Live Endorsements, Produced Radio Spots, Sponsorships, and Mentions typically last for about 15-60 seconds– just enough for anyone listening to get the gist, keywords, and product detail.

Current radio commercials would play a few times a day, depending on how much the company pays for advertising. Hearing the commercial more than once can help you locate a radio ad, Just be sure to write them down. 

Step 2: Run the keywords through an online search


After listing the keywords, the next step is to do an online search using search engines like Google. The internet provides a vast resource of information, if you’re lucky enough, you might find the exact commercial you’re looking for.

Aside from search engines, there are some websites that have a database of radio commercials that you can search through. However, these websites may require a subscription. Unless you are willing to pay for it, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Visit the company’s website and social media


Once you know the specific radio commercial you’re looking for, you can visit their website. The company website can give you the exact details you want to know about their products and offers. Some websites also provide you with contact information on how to avail their products.

However, not every radio commercial has a website. Some ads on the radio are one-time events or promotions that do not have websites. They may have social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for promotions and engagements.

Searching for social media mentions could help you find the commercial you’re looking for. It’s common for businesses to have social media presence because of how much reach they can have.

Radio Podcast Commercial and Sponsor Search


Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and it’s no wonder they are now aired on many radio stations. Some stations, such as Podcast Radio play podcasts from all over the world for 24 hours. Like regular radio programs, podcasts, too, have their own set of sponsors.

Podcast sponsorship has been growing, with famous brands and businesses devoting their support to podcast producers. Knowing the top podcast sponsors can help you narrow down your search. Below is a table of the top 5 podcast sponsors.

Top 5 Podcast Sponsors List 

Top 5 Podcast Sponsors List
  Brands Sponsored Episodes
#1 BetterHelp 1,865
#2 Kroger 3,857
#3 HelloFresh 619
#4 T-Mobile 666
#5 Squarespace 222

Podcast advertisers can either have their brands mentioned by the podcaster or they can be played during an episode, much like in regular radio ads.

Finding commercials in a radio podcast can be relatively easy, especially because they can be as long as 90 seconds.

Podcasts target different types of audiences depending on their topic and content. When brands believe that they align with the podcast’s audience, they start investing and be sure to gain brand exposure. That is why common podcast sponsors are well-known and established brands.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I find radio commercials from a specific time in the past?

There are organizations that aim to preserve historical radio content such as the National Radio Archives. Other archives like the National Public Radio Archives and Library of Congress Radio Preservation Task Force also have a wide range of radio commercials preserved.

Can I listen to radio commercials online?

Yes, some websites and platforms have archives of radio commercials. YouTube, for example, has a collection of radio commercials uploaded by users and brands which can be easily searched with the right keywords.

Are there apps or tools that can help me search using audio?

Sometimes, we only remember the tune of the radio commercial, it’s a good thing that there are sound identification apps such as Shazam that can help you identify the promo or ad you just heard on the radio.

How long do radio stations air commercials?

Radio stations typically play ads for about 18 minutes per hour and each commercial lasts for either 15, 30, or 60 seconds depending on the agreement between the brand and the radio station.

Which type of radio commercial is the most effective?

Live reads are the most effective type of radio commercial because of how the host creates a connection with the listeners. If you’re actively listening to the radio, you find yourself trusting the host’s preference.


How to find a commercial I heard on the radio? It can be challenging but using the right approach can help you track it down. Remembering the keywords and doing an online search is the most basic option.

You can find their websites or social media accounts, giving you more information.

Knowing the top list of advertisers and sponsors can help you narrow the search.

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