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How to Turn Off Pioneer Radio? – Step-By-Step Guide

Writen by Edwin Jones

Fact checked by Andrew Wright

how to turn off pioneer radio

The instruction on how to turn off Pioneer radio is definitely mentioned in the manual book. However, if you accidentally lost it, consider the following guide as a perfect replacement. So, without further ado, let’s get to the instructions!

How to Turn Off Pioneer Car Stereo

The on-screen operation in this demonstration is identical for the following Pioneer models:

  • Pioneer AVH-1300NEX
  • Pioneer AVH-1330NEX
  • Pioneer AVH-2300NEX
  • Pioneer AVH-2330NEX
  • Pioneer MVH-2300NEX
  • Pioneer AVH-3300NEX

If you want to switch the system off, all you need to do is press and hold the “Home” button for a couple of seconds. This will power off the entire system and, of course, shut off the display. Then, to bring the system back, just touch any button.

How to Turn Off Pioneer Touch Screen Radio


To turn off the display, all you have to do is press and hold the “go back” button for a few seconds. This will turn the display off, though your system is still active and music is still playing. Note: For some other models, you need to press and hold the display button instead of the “go back” button

If you want to adjust the volume, you can press the “Volume up and down” buttons that do not bring the display back.

To bring the screen back, tap the Home button (which looks like a window) or touch the button that you used to switch off the display.

How to Turn Off Pioneer Demo Mode


The demo mode may run on the radio when you first turn it off. If you don’t want to see this stuff displayed on the screen while driving around, stick to the following guide.

The button operation in this demonstration is identical for the following pioneer audio models:

  • Pioneer MVH – S320BT
  • Pioneer MVH – S322BT
  • Pioneer MVH – S420BT
  • Pioneer MVH – S522BS
  • Pioneer MVH – S620BS
  • Pioneer MVH – S720BHS
  • Pioneer DEH – S4200BT
  • Pioneer DEH – S4220BT
  • Pioneer DEH – S5200BT
  • Pioneer DEH – S6200BS
  • Pioneer DEH – S6220BS
  • Pioneer DHE – S7200BHS
  • Pioneer DEH-150MP
  • Pioneer FH-S52BT
  • Pioneer FH – S720BS
  • Pioneer FH – S722BS
  • Pioneer MOSFET 50WX4

Step-by-step guide

  • Step 1: Touch the source button to switch off the tuner on your Pioneer radio.
  • Step 2: Press on the volume control knob until the setup menu appears. Then twist the volume control knob until you see “System.”
  • Step 3: Move the volume knob until you see “Demo Off” on the screen. After that, press the volume control knob again to confirm “Yes.” That will switch the demonstration off.
  • Step 4: It is time to back out to the source. Touch the arrow back key that takes us back out to the AM/FM radio source.
  • Step 5: Press and hold the source key for a couple of seconds to switch your Pioneer radio off. Then you can see the clock come up on the screen.

If you want to turn off lights on pioneer radio, you can touch the Display button to shut the entire system down. If you want to power up the system again, press the source button.

Check out this video to better understand how to turn off demo mode on the Pioneer DEH-150MP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Pioneer car stereo keep turning off?

If your Pioneer car stereo turns off itself, the cause could be overheating or a wiring problem. Specifically, if the car stereo internals overheats, your car stereo will automatically turn off.

Why is my Pioneer radio not working?

One of the most common reasons for a car radio to stop working is a blown fuse. In case your Pioneer isn’t working, it’s best to get the help of a professional.

How to turn off Pioneer Mixtrax radio function?

It is possible to turn Mixtrax off by pressing the Mix or the number 3 button. This method is applicable to the following Pioneer models: MVH-S300BT, FH-S500BT, MVH-S400BT, DEH-S4000BT, and DEH-S4010BT.

How to turn off ATT on Pioneer radio?

If you see “ATT” on your radio screen, go to Settings. Then, press the Audio symbol, choose “Mute Level,” and press “Off.”

Bottom Lines

Hopefully, our article contains useful information for you. In general, learning how to turn off pioneer radio is not complicated at all. Thank you for reading. Don’t miss our other valuable articles!

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